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Chapel Break Infant School

Remote Learning


During the Covid pandemic we were able to continue to provide an excellent education for the children of Chapel Break through 3 daily live lessons, wellbeing phone calls and physical packs for all children.


In the event of a child being off school for COVID related reasons, but well enough to take part in school activities, we provide the following remote offer to ensure the wellbeing of our children and the continuation of their education


  • First day phone call to check wellbeing and that the work provided can be accessed


  • Follow up calls by the teacher to assess whether extra support is needed and to check up on well being. We believe it is vital that the children continue to feel connected to school and supported by the school


  • Work pack provided and taken to the home if necessary


  • Reading via Bug Club provides easy access for parents so that children can continue their phonics and reading from home


  • Information and work will continue to be shared on Class Dojo


General support and Wellbeing 
Online Safety at Home




Tips for Home Learning

We appreciate that supporting your child with home learning can be challenging especially for working parents and those with younger siblings who are not at school. Here are a few tips we hope will be helpful for you:

  • Learning at home is very different to learning at school but try to establish a routine with your child.
  • Children will not necessarily be able to read the plans themselves and understand what they are meant to be doing so please take time to read through the learning with your child and help explain the challenges they have been given.
  • Children will need varying levels of support throughout a challenge so be available to offer this support whilst also encouraging independence. If your child appears to be becoming overly frustrated or distressed pop back to explain the challenge again, maybe help them with one or two examples, before allowing them an opportunity to try again independently.


Website links for parents:

Literacy Shed – free downloadable activity packs

BBC Bitesize KS1 subjects:

Free online education resources including Maths and Literacy games as well as several resources for parents

A collection of games designed around phonics, specifically aimed at early years https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.html

A collection of free learning games aimed at Reception and Year 1 http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/

A collection of free e-books to read at home 

Free educational maths and English games

Fun educational quizzes
https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/ -

Activities for nature loving children
https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/03/nature-detectives/ -

Problem Solving – Challenges that will test your child’s understanding https://nrich.maths.org/

Collections of learning and activities games aimed at EYFS and KS1